Tammy Langtry and Sifiso Radebe – Relationship counselling 2014-2015

“We went to Cornelia as we were going through a difficult time and we weren’t sure how to move forward. As a young couple in our twenties, we were a bit skeptical as we felt counseling is something for married couples but Cornelia made us feel very comfortable to share and helps guide us with great problem solving and unbiased responses. As young people we aren’t taught how to build successful relationships with communication and compromise while trying to find yourself and grow. Cornelia is very mindful of your individual experiences and has helped us grow as individuals and as a couple. Our relationship is much stronger and we have built a solid base for our relationship, based on trust and communication. Cornelia has also given us great tools to work on things outside of the sessions. Cornelia is a very loving and kind person who is passionate about working with couples and seeing you work together. Her work and effort is invaluable.”

Weekend Workshop Feedback – March 2015

Terugvoer van Roan en Anri

Hello Cornelia

Ek wou net graag weer baie dankie se vir al jou moeite met ons oor die afgelope naweek.

Dit was lang sessies van baie konsentreer en dink en indelf in mens se self – maar dit was sooo die moeite werd!

Ek en Roan het so baie geleer van mekaar en van onsself en dit werklik waar geniet.

Baie baie dankie.

Groete Anri

What did you like about the programme?

“Felt very welcome and at ease. The programme was very informative and makes you think about your relationship in another way.”

“The info that was given was very informative and I enjoyed the “talking” exercises.”

“Interaksie as paartjie met mekaar om oor onderwerpe te gesels waarvoor daar nie altyd spesifieke tyd voor gemaak word in die lewe nie.” (R&A)

“Covered many aspects of relationships for example: money, sex, emotional needs, etc. It also looked at our family history and helped us to realise how it impacts on our relationship.”

“I liked the fact that it was openly interactive”

What did the workshop mean for your relationship?

“I got to know her better.”

“It made me more aware of how to handle or communicate in tough situations. The workshop was a manual of how to make your marriage work, last and be successful.”

“Ek het baie geleer oor my verloofde se denkproses.” (A)
“Ons het baie van mekaar geleer, veral oor policies bv: Enthusiastic Agreement, ens wat briljant was!” (R)

“It has set a good and solid foundation for our marriage.”

“The workshop forced us to sit down and make time for our relationship and helped us to realize that our marriage is and should always be our highest priority.”

“Commitment to a good foundation for the relationship.”

In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage?

“DVD oor seks was goed bv. “Romance the girl” en ek het geleer om nie bang te wees om te praat nie, openness. (R)”

“Ek hou van die kommunikasie-kanale wat nou oper is in ons verhouding.” (A)

“I am now more aware of what is important in marriage, how to stay connected and how to keep my partner connected.”

“I feel more prepared, because I know that differences between partners are normal, that our marriage has seasons and that it is okay to experience these differences and not to necessarily run away from the marriage.”

“I feel that I know what I need in a relationship now and that I know myself better.”

“I feel that I am more prepared to handle situations such as anger better.”

On a scale from 1-10, how was the workshop for you and why?

“This workshop was 10/10 for me, because I enjoyed the “talk” time, I learned how to handle difficult situations and the information that we received from the lawyer was very informative.”

“Die werkswinkel was vir my 8/10. Hou meer van die manual met informasie vooraf wat ons deurgewerk het en deur gepraat het.” (R)

“Dit was 8/10 vir my, ek het baie geleer van praat en konsepte om toe te pas in die huwelik.” (A)

“For me the workshop was 8/10, because my expectations were met.”

“I give this workshop 9/10, I felt it was a very good foundation to start us as a couple, talking about so many things that we often overlook in our marriage preparation.”

Additional comments

“Very useful, I would recommend this workshop for any couple thinking or planning to spend their lives together.”

“Dis ‘n baie goeie leerervaring vir enige paartjie, getroud of ongetroud.”

“Die werkswinkel is baie leersaam in ‘n gemaklike omgewing en ontspanne.”

“Very good, I will definitely recommend this workshop to my friend.”

“Excellent information for the course was provided which we felt was very relevant and was also very well presented by Cornelia Swart, the presenter.”


 Weekend Workshop Feedback – June 2015

What did you like best about the programme?

“The small group which allowed for good discussions and a comfortable environment.”
“Conflict handeling.”
“Ek het veilig gevoel om probleme te bespreek.”
“The advice about how to deal with conflict.”

What did the workshop mean for your relationship?

“It showed us we were committed to each other and we want to be in a happy realtionship.”
“Ek hoop rerig dat ons kan toepas wat ons geleer het.”
“Ek hoop dat dit ons sal help om konflik beter in die toekoms te kan hanteer.”
“It helps us to build and to be stronger.”

In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage?

“Handling conflict effectively, sexual expectations, etc.”
“Ons weet nou meer wat om te verwag en wat om te probeer vermy.”
“I feel more prepared for dealing with Conflict.”


Weekend Workshop Feedback – September 2015

What did you like about the programme?

“The exercises and illustrations”

“Tools for conflict resolution, relationship vision and love languages.”

“”Dit is gebruikers vriendelik , maklik verstaanbaar, baie insiggewend en die inhoud help baie.”

“It opened up our problem areas and showed and showed us how to resolve them.”

“Dis ‘n goed-geitegreerde program wat belangrike dinge aanraak. Dit skep ruimte vir self-identifisering en groei.”

“It was an eye opener for our relationship and what to expect.”

What did the workshop mean for your relationship?

“It was very constructive and it is very important that we follow up on these.”

“The workshop will have a positive impact and I feel that this material has the potential to set a solid foundation for our marriage.”

“Ons het baie van mekaar geleer en ons kommunikasiekanale is oopgemaak.”

“It showed us how to avoid misunderstandings.”

“Dit het geleentheid geskep om oop te wees met mekaar en om nuwe persepsies en perspektiewe te formuleer. Ek ken my maat beter en ek het gesien waar ons nuwe gewoontes kan aanleer.”

“It placed certain things in a new light.”

In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage?

“We understand each other better and we have the tools to better deal with one another in tough situations.”

“Ek verstaan die stressore beter en ook hoe om dit te hanteer nou.”

“Ek voel of ek meer oop is vir objektiewe groei. Ek is opgewonde en weet dat ek gereed moet wees vir harde werk, maar dat dit absoluut die moeite werd is.”

“We now have processes and tools to deal with conflict.”

On a scale from 1-10, how was the workshop for you and why?

“This workshop was 8/10 for me, because so many things were made much more clear in our relationship.”

“Die werkswinkel was vir my 9/10. Dit was insiggewend en dit gee hoop. Cornelia is baie empaties en kundig.”

“This workshop was 9/10 for me, because it was an eye opener for potential problem areas.”

“Die werkswinkel was vir my 9/10. Die inhoud was ongelooflik leersaam en ondersteunend.”

“I give this workshop 8/10, because the content was great and I learned so much from Cornelia.”

“This workshop was 8/10 for me, because I learned a lot about myself and about my partner. This workshop provided clarification on how we interact and engage.”

Additional comments

“Hierdie werkswinkel is ‘n moet vir enige paartjie wat aan die begin van ‘n huwelik staan.”

“A definite must for any couple, even for couples who think they have no problems at all.”

“Cornelia has a great approach and this workshop was very knowledgeable.”