What did you like about the programme?
“Die ‘tools’ om konflik te hanteer. Die ‘emotional needs’ afdeling en dat daar tyd gemaak is vir bespreking en praktiese toepassing.”
“Good vibe and trust. Conflict resolution section. Strengthening and very nice to have 3 – 4 couples.”
“It was very relevant and evoked meaningful conversation and engagement. Good split in learning tools (Input, practise, group, vibes etc.)”
What did the workshop mean for your relationship?
“Die ‘tools’ wat ons geleer het om bv. konflik te hanteer sal ons kan toepas om oplossings te kry.”
“Refreshing – Communication. I know now how to better approach communication.”
“It means a solid foundation and an even stronger basis of mutual trust and respect.”
In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage?
“Waardevolle ‘tools’ wat ons kan gebruik om konflik te hanteer.
Leer om met mekaar tekommunikeer oor emosionele behoeftes.”
“Conflict solving.”
“Know what kind of obstacles lie ahead; know how to identify them; have neutral/common references and starting to identify and address the obstacles’.
On a scale from 1-10, how was the workshop for you and why?
“Hierdie workshop was op ‘n skaal van 1 -10 ‘n 9 gewees vir ons, omdat ons meer bewus is van probleme wat kan voorkom in die huwelik en dan hoe om dit te hanteer.”
“On a scale from 1 – 10 this workshop was an 8 because it was very helpful.”
“On a scale from 1 – 10 this workshop was an 8.”Additional comments
“If you are thinking of getting married (engaged) then this is a must before you tie the knot. Great workshop and great environment.