Weekend Workshop – February 2013, Johannesburg
Nantes and Izelle
The programme covered a wide range of areas. The small group felt safe and intimate and personal attention was received from Cornelia. The practical application of exercises was fun and informative – not too serious either. She used different mediums (video, audio, board, Powerpoint, lots of practical exercises) perfectly.
It opened our eyes to solutions to everyday problems couples face. It helped us understand each other better, which is INVALUABLE! It created a platform to speak about issues we would not have done under normal circumstances.
On a scale of 1-10, it was a 9 (Izelle), 10 (Nantes) for us. We enjoyed all her knowledge about a variety of things and all of our expectations were met. It helped us to communicate about things and it gave us techniques to deal with challenges.
Wikus Delport (Pare sessies – Junie 2013 Pretoria)
Die huweliksvoorbereiding was vir my baie insiggewend gewees. Ek voel ons het al die aspekte van die huwelik deeglik bespreek en dit het onderwerpe geidentifiseer wat mens nie gewoonlik sou raaksien en bespreek nie.
Dit het my geleer om van ‘n ander oogpunt na ‘n problem te kyk en ‘n oplossing te vind wat nie net vir my voordelig isn ie, maar vir ons huwelik voordelig sal wees.
Na die kursus voel oek ons het al die gereedskap (“tools”) wat nodig is om ons huwelik ‘n reuse sukses te maak. Nie net in die maklike tye nie, maar in die moeilike tye ook.
Dit leer mens hoe om die positiewe van ‘n huwelik te identifiseer en daarop te fokus en sodoende die negatiewe te minimaliseer. Ook om die slegte dele vroegtydig te identifiseer en aan te spreek voor dit ‘n groot problem raak.
Ek sal die kursus aanbeveel vir enigiemand wat alreeds is of daaraan dink om in die huwelik te tree.
Carelize Bezuidenhout (Pare sessies – Junie 2013 Pretoria)
Ek en Wikus het gedink ons verhouding is sterk, perfek en niks kan dit verbeter nie, die dag toe ons by Cornelia instap. Hierdie kursus was ‘n “eye opener”! Alhoewel ons nog steeds dink ons verhouding is perfek het Cornelia vir ons die regte “tools” geleer en help verstaan wat ons gaan help deur moeilike tye en ook om ons verhouding nog beter te maak.
Wat ek en Wikus baie geniet het was die gemaklike atmosfeer waarin als plaasgevind het. Ons het so baie gelag!
Cornelia het saam ons deur die handleiding gewerk en vir ons duidelik gemaak wanneer ons aan iets moet aandag gee en wanneer ons iets beter kan hanteer.
Ek glo werklik dat ons so baie geleer het om ons huwelik op die regte basis te begin bou en ook hoe om die ander person in ag te neem.
Steven and Candice – Couple sessions March-July 2013
What I liked best about the sessions was that I was able to express my thoughts and feelings. I learned about my strengths and weaknesses and how these contribute to my relationship. Each topic was dealt with in-depth. I have learned to listen and I now understand my fiancé much better. Our relationship has grown into a great relationship. I am also more aware of my fiance’s needs. Everything was great. I faced my fears, got rid of the “bad” stuff in my life – I have learned how to move on and better my relationship.
On a scale of 1-10, we give it a 10! I feel much happier now than when I started with the sessions.
Weekend Workshop – 12-14 July 2013, Johannesburg
I liked that the programme ran over a weekend – even though very packed and tiring it’s nice to go through everything intensely. Prepping before obviously helped (one on ones, readings, questionnaires. The exercises were really good too – learnt a lot.
What did the workshop mean for your relationship? The weekend meant a lot for our relationship – I think we realise how much work a marriage is (or at least are starting to) and that you have to constantly work at it. I think we also gained some good tools for this. We have disclosed a lot to each other about some of our concerns. I feel good knowing what we need to look out for. I also feel more confident about talking about things, more equipped with how to deal with problems.
On a scale of 1-10 – 9! It was exactly what we needed as a couple. I feel very positive about how it is going to make our relationship stronger and better. I really gained a lot from this weekend and am glad I invested the time and money in it as I think the pay-off will be huge. I am more confident in how to handle conflict. I also feel I have a better understanding of what marriage will actually be – so I feel more prepared for it than before the workshop.
What I liked about the programme were the exercises. They provided me with tools to assist in marriage. Having another couple in the programme was also nice. The workshop brought us closer together and gave us the opportunity to talk about things. I feel much more connected and aware of the work involved in making a marriage work.
On a scale of 1-10, the workshop was an 8 for me! This is a great programme and we feel better prepared for marriage and more confident in ourselves.
The course was amazing. I feel the programme covered all the topics that I hoped would be addressed. It was well structured and taught with some useful techniques we can use on a daily basis. I also think Cornelia was a great instructor, highly professional and efficient.
What did the workshop mean for your relationship? It started a thinking process for us and also brought us together. It has improved the connection between us and the level of intimacy. I feel that we are better equipped to enter our marriage and married life. The workshop gives you the tools to start your marriage. It was in depth, well structured and has been an amazing journey for us.
In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage? I learned some good conflict resolution techniques. I know what questions to start asking and feel that we know what questions we should ask and address before we get married.
I liked that it was in a small group and that it quickly became a safe environment to share. The group discussions also proved valuable as you start to understand that other couples also experience issues. The practical work stood out for me.
What did the workshop mean for your relationship? It certainly got us talking! I suppose the topics discussed during the workshop are tough discussions to have at home however this has definitely helped us break the ice in terms of talking about all the important aspects of the relationship. It also gives us confidence in knowing what we need to do to get ourselves ready and prepared for marriage as well as what is required to successfully sustain the marriage.
In what way do you feel more prepared for marriage? We now have the tools to prepare for the biggest adventure of our lives. Obviously, the work only starts now but I certainly feel like I know what I need to prepare for.
Thabo and Colile – Couple sessions March 2013
I really enjoyed the pre-marital counselling process. I encourage everyone in a relationship to attend especially those who intend or marrying or are in long term relationships.
Before the pre-marital counselling I was very afraid of things suddenly going wrong in my marriage and lacking the skills to fix it. I went looking for tools to assist me with my relationship. I came out feeling empowered and capable of having a happily ever after. I loved the concept of the Love Bank and the process of meeting your spouse’s most important emotional need and love language. Through the process of learning more about each other’s family history and expectations for the future I felt more secure in my relationship. Practicing some of the practical tools such as the Imago dialogue and spending at least 15 hours a week with my fiancé really rejuvenated our relationship. I am really looking forward to living a fulfilling life, filled with exciting and wonderful events with him by my side.